By Am.Ch.Countryview Give My Regards (CCA AOM) ex Taliesin Alfenloch Solara

Starpower is co-owned by Alfenloch and Countryview

Presenting a Collie for the present and the future ... Multi-BISS Am.Ch.Alfenloch Countryview Starpower

STARPOWER   finished his American championship in whirlwind style undefeated with 5 Specialty majors in his first 5 times shown with 2 BISS wins along the way. He was beautifully conditioned and presented by his co-owner Dan Cardoza of Countryview Collies. His exceptional pedigree is a beautiful combination of linebred Countryview and linebred Wyndlair with a solid base of the best of Starr, Tartanside and Southland. Josh is linebred back to the exceptional CCA Best Of Breed winners, Ch.Countryview Tonites Th'Night, Ch.Southland's Bowen Island ROM, Ch.Starr's Blue Jeans ROM and Ch.Tartanside The Gladiator ROM

Josh has a soft, sweet expression with beautiful head detail, a ton of presence, a huge arched neck and a magnificent coat.

Josh shown finishing with his 5th Specialty major at the Collie Club of New Hampshire Specialty under breeder/judge Jackie Corwin.

Josh winning Best In Specialty at the Collie Club of New England his first time shown as a Special under noted breeder/judge Vivienne Richards.

Josh shown winning his first Specialty major at the Collie Club of New England winter show under respected breeder/judge Joe Reno.

Portrait of Josh taken by Dan Cardoza, the week-end he finished his championship.

One of my headstudys of Josh at 1 year of age basking in the sun

Photo of Josh at 1 year of age at our home in the Spring of 2013

* * * *

Starpower is co-owned by Alfenloch and Countryview

Pure for Sable
eye check/ mild CRC
OFA Good hips
OFA Normal elbows
OFA full dentition
OFA Normal Cardiac

champion producer and Sire of champions in 4 countries

Stud fee $800 US
(due at the time of breeding)

View BISS Am.Ch.Alfenloch Countryview Starpower's Pedigree

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Contact us at:

Diane Fitzpatrick
Alfenloch Rough Collies,   Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N0N 1P0    (519) 614-2133